Supreme Court Justice Voting

How Often Justices Voted with Each Other

Squares are proportional to the percent of time that Republican-Republican, Democrat-Democrat, and
mixed Republican-Democrat justice pairs voted together. Justices are sorted in decreasing perception of conservativeness, as measured by the Segal-Cover score.

Individual Rights aggregate: Criminal Procedure, Civil Rights, First Amendment, Privacy, and Due Process.
Economic/Judicial aggregate: Federalism, Interstate Relations, Federal Taxation, Judicial Power, Economic Activity, Attorneys.

Data source: Supreme Court Database. For more details on the topics, please see the SCDB documentation.

The Supreme Court Over Time

Individual Rights vs. Economic/Judicial Case Issues

The most disagreement occurs over matters involving individual rights, with less disagreement over economic or judicial matters. Play the video or drag the slider to see how the Court has changed year-to-year.

Note that lines of full sized boxes likely reflect a small sample size causing a perfect agreement rate.

Individual Rights


Supreme Court Tidbits